Monday, October 12


Every year for Thanksgiving (both Canadian & American holidays, dual citizenship for the win!) my family goes around the table and everyone says what they're thankful for. This year I thought I'd share it on here. So here we go, 10 things I am thankful for...

1. My relationship with Jesus. Not trying to preach at anyone... but I am thankful for my faith and how it's kept me humble and loving. I wouldn't be the same without my beliefs and I am thankful for the impact they've had on my life.

2. My ever-loving and super supportive family. From my parents to my younger cousins, every single one of my family members continues to extend love and acceptance and I do not have words for how much that means to me. I am currently living with my aunt and uncle and their 3 kids and I am just so blessed to have people willing to walk my journey with me, especially with my bipolar and my transition to a balanced and medicated individual... it hasn't been easy but they continue to fight for and with me every day.

3. My best friends... JorgH, JHernandez, Ace, Twin B, and DaniM. You all have been amazing and I am thankful for true unconditional friendship, something very rare and hard to find. I love you more than you know.

4. My job. Wow, am I thankful for my job! I have incredible bosses, absolutely love what I do, I get to have a huge impact on homeschool families' educational journey, and am able to provide them with great resources for their children. It's not often you can say that you get up in the morning looking forward to going to work... I am truly blessed.

5. I am thankful for my diagnosis. I know what you're thinking "How on earth could someone be thankful for having a mental illness?"... you've got a point. I have gone some crazy stuff with my depression and bipolar and I wouldn't wish it on anyone else... but I would also not be who I am today without those experiences. My pain has brought understanding and empathy for others, something that I don't know if I'd have without my history. When someone opens up to me about their depression or anxiety, I can say honestly that I've been there and I can be there for them. I have the opportunity to be the person I needed years ago amidst the turmoil and being misunderstood. All I really needed was for someone to say "Wow, yeah I've been there... I know how it feels to wish you wouldn't wake up the next morning, I know it gets better, and I'm here for you until it does." My budding involvement with the BCSS (BC Schizophrenia Society) is a testament to the impact I can make on removing stigma and sharing my story. So yes, as hard as it's been, I am thankful for being Bipolar II and I wouldn't change a thing.

6. FOOD! Especially my (red-seal-certified Chef) dad's cooking... *sigh* Food is my fave lol

7. Music & Art. I will never get tired of listening to people pour their hearts into music or poetry, or seeing their soul on a canvas or sculpted into something amazing. I truly believe art, music, and poetry is what makes life worth living.

8. My health. Sure, my joints hurt, I could probably lose a few pounds, and right now I have a major earache and my shoulder's out of wack - but overall I am healthy and that's really something to cherish.

9. Technology. Haha, it may be a bit typical to love technology (kudos if you got the Napoleon Dynamite reference) but the ability to express myself/blog freely and share my experiences with others all over the world is such an amazing thing! The other day my dear friend from Mexico called me via Facebook Messenger and we talked for about half an hour... he's in Guadalajara and I'm here in BC and we talked as easily as if he was just on the other side of town! It's rare for us to really think about the opportunity and tools that we have at our very fingertips - Facetime, Youtube, Skype, Blogger, Shazam... there is so much out there that allows us to keep connected with others and express ourselves and I'm so privileged to have full access to it all and thankful for the long-distance friendships it helps me maintain.

10. My city. Wow, do I live in an amazing city and in amazing newly-renovated house with a cozy fireplace. I have a nice big bed and a beautiful 42" flat-screen in my room with Netflix, can't get better than that! :)

No matter what, when I've been at rock bottom or when I've felt on top of the world, what has kept me grounded has been a heart of gratitude. Whenever life gets tough, I go over this list in my head and remind myself that there will always be something to hold on to... there will always be hope~

What are you thankful for? 

Stay healthy and happy, my dears, and Happy Thanksgiving!

Much love,

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